Welcome to Crow Creek Housing Authority
CCHA Mission Statement: In cooperation with Crow Creek Tribal Government and Crow Creek Tribal Agencies, our mission is to develop, construct and maintain safe, affordable housing for eligible Crow Creek members and to ensure that, a “decent, safe and sanitary housing environment” is created and perpetuated. We will strive to educate families to be independent and maintain self-sufficiency as we take on new challenges and changes.
ATTENTION: Until further notice – CCHA is open for business, but the door will be locked. Please call for assistance.
CCHA Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8 AM – 4:30 PM
We are here to help during COVID19.
This is an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of our economy, and the way we live our daily lives. As we all continue to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, we want you to know that CCHA is here for you.
Until further notice, evictions for non-payment of rent have been suspended. Physical inspections have also been suspended. Due to the pandemic, CCHA Board of Commissioners has approved a 75% rent reduction for the months of April through August. CCHA residents only need to pay 25% of your rent or mortgage payment for each of those months. Overpayments will be applied to back rent or the next month. Contact your Occupancy Specialist for your reduced rent amount. If you have lost your job, been furloughed without pay, or have had your hours cut arrange income recertification with your Occupancy Specialist as soon as possible.
Concerned about going to the office to meet or sign documents? CCHA will allow an alternative signature by email, fax, or other electronic methods if you provide your original signature later. Ask your Occupancy Specialist about ways to provide an alternative signature without going to the CCHA office.
If you expect that you may have difficulty paying your rent to reach out early to discuss potential payment plans or accommodations.
Rent payments may be dropped in the drop box located at the entrance of CCHA. You may also pay over the phone with a debit or credit card. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information.
Subsidized Housing
Rent is based on your income.
Income limits apply.
Affordable Housing
Rent is based on a flat rent amount per bedroom size. Income limits apply for the household.
Market-Rate Housing
Rents are based on comparative market analysis. No income limits apply.
Types of Housing Assistance
The Crow Creek Housing Authority works in the community to meet the housing needs of local residents.
Among the programs CCHA supports are:
Low Rent Housing – Rent is based on your income. Income limits apply.
- Home Ownership
Tenant Base Assistance Program
Resident Opportunities & Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Program
- Public Housing
- Section 8